Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oakland Zoo

We made a trip to the Zoo over the weekend. Joshua had a blast running around looking at all the animals. His favorite- the giraffe.
Joshua checking out the Elephants.

Elise with her Dad after we rode the train.
Joshua called this roller coaster an orange tiger train. The boy loves trains!


lizzo said...

In response to your comment... OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!!

I kid!!! I try not to use my blog as a political sounding board but sometimes I just can't help myself.

Oh and the zoo pictures are priceless. I love that Joshua is obsessed with trains. I love....trains.

Shauna said...

It's so much fun catching up on you & your darling family through your blog. I always knew that you would be a wonderful mother! Your kids are so cute. I actually recognized a few of your daughter's outfits from mom & me days. Fun! I am not sure if you have access to my blog or not, so let me know if you need me to send you an invitation to view it. I am not nearly as good as updating mine as you are, but at least you could see picture of my two daughters. learnandgrowpreschool@comcast.net
Take care Robyn!