Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sweet Tooth

I walked into the kitchen and found my daughter with her hands in the candy jar (or drawer). This girl is definitely Keith's daughter. They share a love for sweets. She had scooted the chair over to the drawer where we keep the candy and helped herself. Apparently, she isn't a fan of root beer dum dums. She tested four dum dums (all root beer) before finding a flavor that she liked.
I guess she has a little bit of me too. Less than five minutes later, I caught her eating out of the peanut butter jar. Although, I would have preferred mine with a side of chocolate.


lizzo said...

She looks so big and cute! I love those pics!

Sarah said...

She is SOOO big! She doesn't look like a baby anymore, she is now a big girl!

Renee said...

What a beautiful girl. Those eyes are goregeous!

I caught my father-in-law doing the same thing with the peanut butter this summer. But that is because I made yellow curry for him and he was trying to stop the burning.